What is SQL
Jun 03, 21 Devgod
SQL of stands for structured query language is used to perform operations on the records stored in the database such as updating records because creating and modifying table view it is etc.
SQL is just a language it is not database to perform the skill you need to install any database like Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, SQL server.
SQL is a design for managing data in a relation database management system RDBMS
SQL is based on the relational algebra.
SQL is a database language is used for database creation, deletion, fetching and modifying the rows and more task can performed in database using SQL.
Why SQL is important?
SQL is important for performing database operation.
You can used SQL to create a new database & tables and views.
You can use to create a new record in database, to update new records in database, to delete records from database & to retrieve data from database.
More About SQL
With SQL skill we can query over database in several ways and multiple patterns using English like statements
A user can access the data from all type of database management systems.
A user a describe the data information it allows the user to define the information data in the database and manipulate when it needed.
A user can create and drop database and table to user create a view stored procedure function in database.
A user can set permission on tables procedures.